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Shabanova Chimnaz Mamed, Speaker at Green Chemistry and Catalysis Conferences
Shabanova Chimnaz Mamed
Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Azerbaijan


Ch. M. Shabanova studied Mathematics at the Baku State University, Azerbaijan and graduated as MS in 1982. She in 1984 joined the research group of Prof. R.M.  Kasimov at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ICIC-ANAS) as senior researcher since 2004 and in 2016 joined the research group of Prof. M. Asadov at the same institution. She has published more than 40 research articles and theses. The main directions of scientific investigations: visual modeling of optimal areas for chemical-technological processes; visual mapping of phase diagrams of the multicomponent systems;  polar liquids identification  by construction of the polar liquid response surface using  remote sensing method, development of pilot register of release and transfer of pollution (PRTR) from stationary sources in order to investigate the environmental pollution by toxic chemicals.
