Title: Use of iron nanomaterials for the treatment of metals, metalloids and emergent contaminants in water
Title: Application of metal single-site zeolite catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis
Title: The roles and capacity building of NGOs as agents responding to climate change
Title: Distal functionalization via transition metal catalysis
Title: Global cooling is not a cost but the best economic investment of the world's people
Title: Green synthesis of SnO2@Cu(O,S) nanocomposite catalysts for reduction of Cr(VI) under dark condition
Title: Gasification of solid wastes for high-purity hydrogen and syngas production with CO2 capture
Title: Decatungstate catalyzed photochemical synthesis of 2-fluorosulfonyl derivatives
Title: Universal mechanism of catalysis of low-temperature nuclear fusion
Title: Quantum-classical mechanics: Principles, applications, and prospects
Title: An analysis of the magnetic properties of MxSn1-xOy nanocomposites in comparison.
Title: The Role of twinning and detwinning reactions in martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys
Title: From photocatalysis to photon-phonon co-driven catalysis for inert molecules activation
Title: Effect of heat treatment on the tribocorrosion behavior of 20Cr13 martensitic stainless steel
Title: Photocatalysis: An emerging route for waste water treatment
Title: Advances in hydrotreating catalyst technologies for enhancing refinery sustainability
Title: Enhanced CO2 reduction efficiency through tailored metal-support interactions in electrocatalysts
Title: Exploration of photocatalytic and biological applications of plant derived Fe3O4-ZnO heterojunction
Title: Potential serum biomarkers for early detection of diabetic nephropathy
Title: Experimental and numerical study of Ce1-xFexO2 thin films for photovoltaic applications
Title: Catalyst intervention for maximising light olefins in high severity FCC process
Title: Photocatalytic activities under solar light of NaLi1.07Co2.94(MoO4)5 nanoparticles
Title: Synthesis and characterization of new asymmetric triazacyclohexane ligands
Title: Nanochemistry: Current perspective and further prospects with Artificial Intelligence (AI)