Title: Development of an efficient acid-free palladium(II) catalyzed hydroarylation of acetylene
Title: Application of metal single-site zeolite catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis
Title: Automated in-chip catalytic spectrophotometric methods
Title: Catalytic carbon dioxide recycling to chemical products in fuel cells
Title: Shape recovery and crystallographic reactions in shape memory alloys
Title: TiO2 photocatalytic removal of hexavalent chromium and arsenic
Title: Distal functionalization via transition metal catalysis
Title: Against all odds the development of a unique asymmetric sulfide oxidation
Title: The organic nGMO soybeans as a raw material in soy milk innovation production
Title: Growth kinetic of sclp-cultures for cbm and toxicological risk assessment
Title: Unity and correlations of entropic components in physical and chemical regularities
Title: Control theory of electric centrifugal pump in oil production
Title: Influence of the sun on water dependence on geometry of solution and its position in space
Title: Development of air-stable oxysulfide-based solid electrolytes green technology
Title: Carbon neutrality as a strategy responding to climate change
Title: Cold plasma catalyzed degradation of diazinon in aquatic environment
Title: Preparation of B4C/AgFe2O4 heterostructures for photoreduction of Cr (VI)
Title: Removal of toxic phenol from wastewater using solid waste adsorbents
Title: Photocatalysis: An emerging approach for conservation of environment
Title: Ftir band interpretation of hydrocarbon oils and oil spill identification
Title: Synthesis and applications of biodegradable polymers based on starch and dextrin
Title: Green synthesis of metal/carbon dot nanocomposites for environmental remediation
Title: Agro waste-based nano-biosorbent for removal of cadmium ions (Cd II) from aqueous media
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