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Chembarisov E I, Speaker at Chemical Engineering Conferences
Chembarisov E I
Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems, Uzbekistan


Chembarisov Elmir Ismailovich was born in 1948, Doctor of Geography, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrometry and Metrology of the Research Institute for Irrigation and Water Problems (RIIWP). He devoted 49 years of his life to scientific and social activities. E.I. Chembarisov is a leading scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology, water resources and the protection and rational use of natural resources. Under his leadership and with direct participation extensive hydrochemical studies were conducted on the rivers and reservoirs of the Aral Sea basin. In 1970, he graduated with honors from the geographical department of Tashkent State University. In 1975 at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, he defended his thesis on “The change in river water salinity in Central Asia due to irrigation”. Subsequently, it became the basis of the monograph “The Influence of Irrigation on the Mineralization of River Waters” and in 1990 at the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow - his doctoral thesis on “Collector Drainage Waters of Central Asia”. In 2005 E.I. Chembarisov was awarded the title of professor in the field of hydrology of land, water resources and hydrochemistry. He is the Page 111 Catalysis and Green Chemistry 4th Edition of International Conference on ICG 2019 author of a basin landscape halochemical method for analyzing changes and forecasts of the mineralization and chemical composition of river and collector-drainage waters, which is widely used in practice.

E.I. Chembarisov - author of 182 scientific and popular science works, among which are the “Hydrochemistry of the river and drainage waters of Central Asia” (1989), “Hydrochemistry of irrigated territories (using the example of the Aral Sea basin)” (1988), “Collecting - drainage waters of the Republic of Karakalpakstan “(2008),” Practical hydroecology (on the example of the Republic of Karakalpakstan) “(2012),” Genesis, formation and regime of surface waters of Uzbekistan and their impact on salinization and pollution of agricultural landscapes (on the example of the Amudarya river basin) “ (2016), “Hydrological and geological features ical surface water monitoring Kashkadaria region “(2018) and others. E.I. Chembarisov is a member of the Scientific Councils for the award of the degrees of PhD and PhD (DSc) in the specialties of Land Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry and Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources. He is elected professor at the American Hydrological Institute. He participated in many international conferences, including at the University of Bloomington in Indiana in the United States on the Aral problem, which was organized by Professor Yury Bregel in 1991. Under the leadership of E.I. Chembarisov eight candidate dissertations were defended, three of them are representatives of Karakalpakstan. The research results of E.I. Chembarisov and his practical recommendations are used in projects on the integrated use and protection of water resources in the Central Asian river basins.
