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Samy Ponnusamy, Speaker at Chemical Engineering Conferences
MilliporeSigma, United States
Title : DOZN™ - A quantitative green chemistry evaluator


MilliporeSigma created a unique web-based greener alternative scoring matrix, also known as DOZN™- A Quantitative Green Chemistry Evaluator based on the 12 principles of green chemistry. The 12 principles of green chemistry provide a framework for learning about green chemistry and designing or improving materials, products, processes and systems. DOZN™ scores products based on metrics for each principle and aggregates the principle scores to derive a final aggregate score. The system calculates scores based on manufacturing inputs, Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information which provide a green score for each substance and is flexible enough to encompass a diverse portfolio of products ranging from chemistry to biology based products. The DOZN™ system has also been verified and validated by a third party to ensure best practices are applied. This new Greener Chemistry initiative offer customers’ an increased breadth of Greener Alternative products with confirmatory documentations to validate greener characteristics.


As a founder of Sigma-Aldrich’s Green Chemistry team in 2007, developing MilliporeSigma’s Corporate Green Chemistry initiatives, managing/expanding new Green Business Opportunities, Greener Alternatives R&D and greener product developments. Developed a unique and state of the art Quantitative Green Chemistry Evaluator, DOZN system based on the Twelve Green Chemistry Principles. Also have extensive experiences in applying concepts of Polymer/Organic Chemistry and process technology skills for developing new and innovative bio-polymers for drug delivery applications. I have managed product developments to successfully introduce new products that have recorded sustained growth (>$100 million cumulatively). Have extensive knowledge (over 30 years) in managing product developments from bench scale through product launch.
