Title : A Desirable Approach to Establishment of Climate Change Policy
There are four major agents responding to climate change at a national or local level. They are government, enterprises, citizens and civil organizations. Government responds to climate change by establishing policies, enterprises by green management for improving eco-efficiency in the process of producing and distributing goods and services, citizens by eco-friendly behavior in their everyday life, and civil organizations by environmental movement.
This paper presents a desirable approach to the establishment of climate change policy by government in order of the following four stages.
The 1st stage is to identify the vulnerability to climate change. A desirable conceptual framework for identifying the vulnerability will be presented.
The 2nd stage is what should be considered for establishing policies on the basis of the vulnerability identified from the first stage. This stage will present how to select the prior vulnerable sectors as the targets of policy formulation, how to set up the goal of vulnerable sector to achieve, and what means to mobilize to achieve the goal.
The 3rd stage is what type of governance system should be introduced in the process of establishing policies. This stage will present desirable phases of governance system being employed in the process of establishing optional policies for drawing a social consensus.
The 4th stage is how to analyze the effectiveness of policies to be launched. Each national or local government has a limited finance, and a lot of finance is required to launch policies. Thus, the best way is to launch the policies that have maximum effectiveness with minimum finance. This is for deciding policy priority to be launched among many optional policies. Two phases of policy effectiveness analysis will be presented. One is efficiency analysis of financial investment, and the other is effectiveness analysis of all policies as a whole set.
Audience take-away:
- A conceptual framework for identifying the vulnerability to climate change.
- The methodologies to select the prior vulnerable sectors as the targets of policy formation, to set up the goal of vulnerable sector to achieve, and to mobilize the means to achieve the goal
- Governance system to be employed for establishing climate change policies based on social consensus
- A methodology of analyzing the effectiveness of climate change policies