HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Viorel Gheorghe, Speaker at Chemical Engineering Conferences
Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
Title : Growth kinetic of sclp-cultures for cbm and toxicological risk assessment


Short Riot control agents such as o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CBM) are considered chemical weapons if used as a method of warfare in the chemical arsenal. Due to the toxic potential of the substance, it is the most widely used riot control agent, distributed as a spray by police brigades. CBM is used as a temporary incapacitant for people who are violently aggressive or to disarm the enemy in military operations. In this research article, the performance of ecotoxicology tests regarding the influence, evolution and response capacity of pure cultures of microorganisms adapted to laboratory conditions in the presence of o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile were pursued.

Audience Take Away:

  • From this study the audience will learn how the presence of a certain toxic substance in water can give it a toxic character. The tests performed determined the toxicity of a chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, a substance frequently used in military operations,  on biological cultures, present in aquatic microfauna. 
  • Knowing the inhibitory concentration and the time when disturbances occur in the biomass equilibrium, measures can be established to oppose the toxic effect of the analyzed substance.
  • The information obtained from the tests can help the specialized laboratories to make more efficient the bioremediation processes of the contaminated areas
  • The experiments determine the number of cells subjected to the chemical stress generated by the toxic substance, depending on the concentration applied to each individual biocenosis, as well as establishing the most effective microbiological culture that can be used to remove the analyzed substance.
  • The TESTS performed can be extremely useful in the field of medicine in order to streamline the recovery process of patients who have suffered physical injuries through exposure in the contaminated areas.


Col ( ret.), Ing, PhD Candidate Viorel Gheorghe graduated from the University of Transylvania – Mechanical Engineering. He worked for more than 25 years in the public safety system. He served for more than 10 years with International Organizations  like  European Union and United Nations responsible for the Rule of Law. Since 2017 he is conducting a research in the area of  the impact of the toxic substances against the environment at the Doctoral School within the Gas and Petroleum University of Ploiesti, Romania
