Title : Influence of the sun on water dependence on geometry of solution and its position in space
The variations of solar activity and distribution of solar energy due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun exert a strong influence on the self-organization of water molecules, on the size of water clusters and on their chemical reactivity. As a result, the rate of hydrolytic reactions with participation of water clusters displays diurnal, very large annual variations, and is also modulated by the 11-year cycles of solar activity. The rate of hydrolysis also depends on geographic latitude and has different values in the Northern and Southern hemispheres in winter and summer. In different years of the solar cycle, the difference in the reaction rate can reach 200 times. This phenomenon may be well accounted for by the decomposition of water clusters by muons which are constantly generated in the upper atmosphere by the solar wind. Since the muon flux is anisotropic, its influence depends on the area of a reaction solution which is affected by muons. For this reason, the reaction rate is highly dependent on the geometry of the reaction solution and its position in space. For example, the difference in the rate of hydrolysis of triethyl phosphite in three 5-mm NMR tubes directed North-South, East-West and Vertically can be very large. The rate ratios between the tubes vary greatly during the day depending on the position of the Sun in the sky. The rate of hydrolysis in the East-West tube displays the largest daily fluctuations. The influence of the Sun on hydrolytic processes is of great importance for biology since water is a necessary component of all forms of life. This phenomenon underlies circadian, circannual, and 11-year biological rhythms. Measurements of the rate of hydrolysis of triethyl phosphite in different places can provide important information about the influence of space weather on the Earth. Near the Equator where there are no seasonal differences, such measurements may become an independent method for estimating solar activity. Hydrolysis of triethyl phosphite can be used to track changes in the direction of the muon flux.