Title : From photocatalysis to photon-phonon co-driven catalysis for inert molecules activation
Photon-driven small molecules activation, eg. H2O splitting, is scientifically and industrially of significance as it promises an efficient pathway for green H2 production. However it is kinetically very challenging due to a multi-electron process [1]. For green chemicals synthesis, other inert molecules activation (e.g. N2, CO2 and CH4 etc) are equally important while rather challenging. Our early study on charge dynamics in inorganic catalysts reveals that the current low solar to fuel/chemical conversion efficiency is due to both fast charge recombination and sluggish oxidation reaction [2], we thus developed effective material strategies to improve the activities of catalysts. Typically, we found that photon-phonon codriven process over single atom catalysts could dramatially improve H2 production [3]. Then the first polymer-based Z-sheme for H2O splitting was demonstrated by us [4]. Such progress aslo stimulated us to store green H2 in NH3 by photon-driven activation of both H2O and N2 [5]. Furthermore, we coupled photons with phonons to co-drive catalytic methane conversion to C2 over Au loaded TiO2, achieving the benchmark results in this area [6]. Such photon-phonon co-driven catalysis was again demonstrated for methane to formaldehyde synthesis [7].