HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Luigi Antonio Pezone, Speaker at Chemical Engineering Conferences
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy
Title : Global cooling is not a cost but the best economic investment of the world's people


Energy development has produced global warming of the planet because the energies produced by humans nuclear, fossil, renewable are not integrated with the natural energy system of the earth, which does not like thermal energy, nor the transport of electrical energy in the terrestrial environment that interferes with the natural electrostatic exchange between the earth's surface and the ionosphere, which through the quantity and intensity of lightning regulates the earth's climate. The study of the best way to neutralize the damage caused by fossil energy, has led the undersigned to understand, that clean electrical energy can be extracted directly from the environment. However, fossil energy cannot be completely eliminated because we also need to produce steel and cast iron that require temperatures of up to 3000 degrees. All the rest of the terrestrial energy can be produced with hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump. Which is the only energy that has not been produced on planet Earth. But it is also the only one that does not alter the temperature of the terrestrial environment, both in submerged and compressed version. The first is mainly used to create artificial welling by putting a pump and a turbine in series, which working in series in the direction of the gravitational force would allow to solve the problem of world hunger by extracting carbonates from the ocean floor with the Venturi system and bringing them to the surface in areas far from tsunami dangers (in fact, the current natural welling, which produces fish, occurs only in coastal areas that represent 5% of the ocean surface). While compressed hydroelectricity allows to create fixed and mobile anthropogenic plants, with purifying functions due to the solubilization of air in water, and energy functions due to the exploitation of the static pressure of the air. Therefore, this energy allows to create a sustainable development model, alternative to the current one, reducing the current high nuclear, fossil and renewable energy costs, also eliminating the costs for energy transport. The current state of the art technologies are already sufficient to stop global warming by better distributing only the world's waters that represent the energy vector that produces cold electrical energy with complete recycling that comes out of the plants only when it needs to be used for agriculture, industry and urban uses. Water, which is the ideal energy vector, not only to transmit force, but also natural electromagnetism through natural ionization in H+ and OH- ions that we normally use in all organic and inorganic chemical and biological processes of all types. Even chlorophyll photosynthesis uses this energy and without realizing it also in the human and animal body. For this reason. The undersigned has also patented the artificial heart oxygenator of the human blood energetically autonomous. By keeping water in the liquid state and air in the gaseous state in the compressed energy circuit, with a simple heat pump system, humans could even live in a tent because the energy extracted from the environment costs nothing, since atmospheric air and gravitational force are the energy source, while water is the energy vector and also costs nothing. As I have written in all my articles, on planet Earth, thermodynamics and then nuclear energy were preferred to fluid dynamics to become increasingly more powerful in relation to neighboring countries, without taking into account that nature uses heat only in the nuclei of stars and planets, where biological and animal life do not exist. Where there is life, there is water, air, fluid dynamics and natural electromagnetism, which is perfectly compatible with that produced coldly with electric turbo fans that produce Newton's thrust and in the external walls incorporate induced circuits with circulation of permanent magnets that could simultaneously produce Lorenz's thrust at Earth's temperature to move in the atmosphere and space in any direction, something that is not allowed with temperatures produced with thermal and nuclear energies that would melt the electric coils and permanent magnets in a few seconds.


He is an industrial expert who worked from 1970 to 1986 in the production plants of the automotive industry that are the most technologically updated and as a scientific organization of the Work. From 1987 to 2006, he worked as a manager of purification plants and water lifting and distribution in Italy and Tunisia. From 2006 to date, he has been working as an inventor. He has filed forty patents. Of which six are international. He has published about 130 technical and scientific articles on the website Https://www.spawhe.eu which he has partially shared with the following magazines Linkedin, Academia edu, Substak, Medium and many publishers, as can be verified by doing a search on Google and other more common networks.
